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Sekelsky Lab Publications

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C.C. Bereda*, E.B. Dewey*, M.A. Nasr, V.R. Chirasani, J. Sekelsky (2025)
Functions of the Bloom syndrome nelicase N-terminal intrinsically disordered region. Genetics iyaf005. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyaf005.

N.M. Pazhayam, L.K Frazier, J. Sekelsky (2024)
Centromere-proximal suppression of meiotic crossovers in Drosophila is robust to changes in centromere number, repetitive DNA content, and centromere-clustering. Genetics 224: iyad216

doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyad216.

E.B. Dewey, J. Korda Holsclaw, J. Saghaey, M.E. Whittmer, J. Sekelsky (2023)
The effect of repeat length on Marcal1-dependent single-strand annealing in Drosophila. Genetics 223: iyac164

doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyac164.

N. Deger, X. Cao, C.P. Selby, S. Gulec, H. Kawara, E.B. Dewey, L. Wang, Y. Yang, S. Archibald, B. Selcuk, O. Adebali, J. Sekelsky, A. Sancar, Z. Liu (2022)
CSB-independent, XPC-dependent transcription-coupled repair in Drosophila. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119: e2123163119

doi: 10.1073/pnas.2123163119.

J.M. Ruchert, M.M. Brady, S. McMahan, K.J. Lacey, L.C. Latta, J. Sekelsky, E.P. Stoffregen (2022)
Blm helicase facilitates rapid replication of repetitive DNA sequences in early Drosophila development. Genetics 220: iyab9

doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab169.

N.M. Pazhayam*, C.A. Turcotte*, J. Sekelsky (2021)
Meiotic crossover patterning. Front Cell Dev Biol 9: 681123

doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.681123.

J. Carvajal-Garcia, K.N. Crown, D. Ramsden, J. Sekelsky (2021)
DNA polymerase theta suppresses mitotic crossing over. PLOS Genetics17: e1009267

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009267.

T. Hatkevich, D.E. Miller, C.A. Turcotte, M.C. Miller, J. Sekelsky (2021) A pathway for error-free non-homologous end joining of resected meiotic double-strand breaks. Nucleic Acids Research 49: 879-890.

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1205.

J. Carvajal-Garcia, E. Gales, D. Ramsden, J. Sekelsky (2020)
The Drosophila melanogaster ortholog of RFWD3 functions independently of RAD51 during DNA repair. G3: Genes, Genomes, and Genetics 10: 999-1004.

doi: 10.1534/g3.119.400903.

T. Hatkevich, V. Boudreau, T. Rubin, P. Maddox, J-R. Huynh, J. Sekelsky (2019)
Centromeric SMC1 promotes centromere clustering and stabilizes meiotic homolog pairing. PLOS Genetics 15(10): e1008412.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008412

M. Hartmann, J. Umbanhowar, amd J. Sekelsky (2019)
Centromere-proximal meiotic crossovers in Drosophila melanogaster are suppressed by both highly-repetitive heterochromatin and proximity to the centromere. Genetics 213: 113-125.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.119.302509

M. Hartmann, K.P. Kohl, J. Sekelsky J, and T. Hatkevich (2019)
Meiotic MCM proteins promote and inhibit crossovers during meiotic recombination. Genetics 212: 461-468.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.119.302221

K.N. Crown, D. Miller, J. Sekelsky, and R.S. Hawley (2018)
Local inversion heterozygosity alters recombination throughout the genome. Current Biology 28: 2984-2990.

doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.07.004

M. Brady, S. McMahan, and J. Sekelsky (2018)
Loss of Drosophila Mei-41/ATR alters meiotic crossover patterning. Genetics 208: 579-588.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.300634

T. Hatkevich and J. Sekelsky (2017)
Bloom syndrome helicase in meiosis: Pro crossover functions of an anti-crossover protein. Bioessays: 39 1700073.

doi: 10.1002/bies.201700073

K. Hartmann and J. Sekelsky (2017)
Chromosome 4 in Drosophila melanogaster: Imperfection or interesting exception? Fly 11: 253-259.

doi: 10.1080/19336934.2017.1321181

S.P. Bellendir*, D.J. Rognstad*, L.P. Morris, G. Zapotoczny, W.G. Walton, M.R. Redinbo, D.A. Ramsden, J. Sekelsky*, D.A. Erie* (2017)
Substrate preference of Gen endonucleases highlights the importance of branched structures as DNA damage repair intermediates. Nucleic Acids Res. 45: 5333-5348.

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx214

J. Korda Holsclaw and J. Sekelsky (2017)
Annealing of complementary DNA sequences during double-strand break repair in Drosophila is mediated by the ortholog of SMARCAL1" Genetics 206: 467-480.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.200238

G. Zapotoczny and J. Sekelsky (2017)
Human cell assays for synthesis-dependent strand annealing and crossing over during double-strand break repair. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics 7: 1191–1199.

doi: 10.1534/g3.116.037390

T. Hatkevich*, K. Kohl*, S. McMahan, M. Hartmann, A. Williams, and J. Sekelsky (2017)
Blm helicase promotes meiotic crossover patterning and homolog disjunction. Current Biology 27: 96-102.

doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.10.055

J. Sekelsky (2017)
DNA repair in Drosophila: Mutagens, models, and missing genes. Genetics 205: 471-490.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.116.186759

J.K. Holsclaw, T. Hatkevich, and J. Sekelsky (2016)
Meiotic and Mitotic Recombination: First in Flies.
in Genome Stability: From Virus to Human Application. Kovalchuk and Kovalchuk, eds., Academic Press.

N. Romero, S.W. Matson, and J. Sekelsky (2016)
Biochemical activities and genetic functions of the Drosophila melanogaster Fancm helicase in DNA repair. Genetics 204: 531-541.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.116.192534

H.K. Kuo, S.McMahan, C.M. Rota, K.P. Kohl, and J. Sekelsky (2014)
Drosophila FANCM helicase prevents spontaneous mitotic crossovers generated by the MUS81 and SLX1 nucleases. Genetics 198: 935-945.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.168096

K.C. Crown, S.McMahan, and J. Sekelsky (2014)
Eliminating both canonical and short-patch mismatch repair in Drosophila suggests a new meiotic recombination model. PLOS Genetics 10: e1004583.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004583

M.C. LaFave., S.L. Andersen, E.P. Stoffregen, J.K. Holsclaw, K.P. Kohl, L.J. Overton, and J. Sekelsky (2014)
Sources and structures of mitotic crossovers that arise when BLM helicase is absent in Drosophila. Genetics 196: 107-118. Highlighted article!

doi: 10.1534/genetics.113.158618

S.P. Bellendir and J. Sekelsky (2013)
An elegans solution to crossovers. PLOS Genetics 9: e1003658.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003658

C.M. Lake, J.K. Holsclaw, S.P. Bellendir, J. Sekelsky, and R.S. Hawley (2013)
The development of a monoclonal antibody recognizing the Drosophila melanogaster phosphorylated histone H2A variant (γH2AV). G3 4: 1539-1543.

doi: 10.1534/g3.113.006833

S. McMahan, K.P. Kohl and J. Sekelsky (2013)
Variation in meiotic recombination frequencies between allelic transgenes inserted at different sites in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. G3 3: 1419-1427.

doi: 10.1534/g3.113.006411

K.P. Kohl and J. Sekelsky (2013)
Meiotic and mitotic recombination in meiosis. Genetics 194: 327-334.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.113.150581

K.C. Crown and J. Sekelsky (2013)
Gene targeting in Drosophila goes the distance. Genetics 193: 377-381.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.112.148379

K.P. Kohl, C.D. Jones, and J. Sekelsky (2012)
Evolution of an MCM complex in flies that promotes meiotic crossovers by blocking BLM helicase. Science 338: 1363-1365.     
Faculty of 1000: Recommended!

doi: 10.1126/science.1228190

S.L. Andersen, H.K. Kuo, D. Savukoski, M.H. Brodsky, and J. Sekelsky (2011)
Three structure-selective endonucleases are essential in the absence of BLM helicase in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics 7: e1002315.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002315

M.C. LaFave and J. Sekelsky (2011)
Transcription initiation from within P elements generates hypomorphic mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 188: 749-752.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.111.129825

S.L. Andersen and J. Sekelsky (2010)
Meiotic versus mitotic recombination: Two different routes for double-strand break repair. Bioessays 32: 1058-1056.

doi: 10.1002/bies.201000087

S.L. Andersen*, D.T. Bergstralh*, K.P. Kohl, J.R. LaRocque, C.B. Moore, and J. Sekelsky (2009)
Drosophila MUS312 and the vertebrate ortholog BTBD12 interact with DNA structure-specific endonucleases in DNA repair and recombination. Molecular Cell 35: 128-135.
Featured Article!        Accompanied by a Preview piece.

doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.06.019

S. Mukherjee, M.C. LaFave, and J. Sekelsky (2009)
DNA damage responses in Drosophila nbs mutants with reduced or altered NBS function. DNA Repair 8: 803-812.

doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2009.03.004

M.C. LaFave and J. Sekelsky (2009)
Mitotic recombination: Why? When? How? Where? PLoS Genet. 5: e1000411.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000411

D.T. Bergstralh and J. Sekelsky (2008)
Interstrand crosslink repair: can XPF-ERCC1 be let off the hook? Trends Genet. 24: 70-76.

doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2007.11.003

K. Trowbridge, K.S. McKim, S.J. Brill, and J. Sekelsky (2007)
Synthetic lethality of Drosophila in the absence of the MUS81 endonuclease and the DmBlm helicase is associated with elevated apoptosis. Genetics 176: 1993-2001.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.070060

M. McVey, S. Andersen, Y Broze, and J. Sekelsky (2007)
Multiple functions of the Drosophila Blm helicase in maintaining genome stability. Genetics 176: 1979-1992.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.070052

J. LaRocque, D.L. Dougherty, S. Hussain, and J. Sekelsky (2007)
Reducing DNA polymerase α in the absence of Drosophila ATR leads to P53-dependent apoptosis and developmental defects. Genetics 176: 1441-1451.

doi: *10.1534/genetics.107.073635

S.J. Radford, M. Sabourin, S. McMahan, and J. Sekelsky (2007)
Meiotic recombination in Drosophila Msh6 mutants yields discontinuous gene conversion tracts. Genetics 176: 52-63.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.107.070367

S.J. Radford, S. McMahan, H. Blanton, and J. Sekelsky (2007)
Heteroduplex DNA in meiotic recombination in Drosophila mei-9 mutants. Genetics 176: 63-72.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.107.070557

J. LaRocque, B. Jaklevic, T.T. Su, and J. Sekelsky (2007)
Drosophila ATR in double-strand break repair. Genetics 175: 1023-1033.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.067330

H. Blanton, S.J. Radford, H. Kearney, S. McMahan, J. Ibrahim, and J. Sekelsky (2005)
REC, Drosophila MCM8, drives formation of meiotic crossovers. PLOS Genetics 1: e40.
Faculty of 1000:Must read!

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.0010040

S.J. Radford, E. Goley, K. Baxter, S. McMahan, and J. Sekelsky (2005)
Drosophila ERCC1 is required for a subset of MEI-9-dependent meiotic crossovers. Genetics 170: 1737-1745.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.104.036178

M. McVey, J. LaRocque, M.D. Adams, and J. Sekelsky (2004)
Formation of deletions during double-strand break repair in Drosophila DmBlm mutants occurs after strand invasion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101: 15694-15699.
Faculty of 1000: Recommended (new finding, controversial)!

doi: 10.1073/pnas.0406157101

H. Blanton and J. Sekelsky (2004)
Unique invasions and resolutions: DNA repair proteins in meiotic recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 107: 172-179.

doi: 10.1159/000080595

M. McVey, D. Radut, and J. Sekelsky (2004)
End-joining repair of double-strand breaks in Drosophila is largely DNA ligase IV-independent. Genetics 168:2067-2076.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.104.033902

M. McVey, M.D. Adams, E. Staeva-Vieira, and J. Sekelsky (2004)
Evidence for multiple cycles of strand invasion during repair of double-strand gaps in Drosophila. Genetics 167: 699-705.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.103.025411

Ö. Yildiz, H. Kearney, B.C. Kramer, and J. Sekelsky (2004)
Mutational analysis of the Drosophila DNA repair and recombination gene mei-9. Genetics 167: 263-273.

doi: 10.1534/genetics.167.1.263

S.J. Radford and J. Sekelsky (2004)
Taking Drosophila Rad51 for a SPiN. Nature Structural & Molecular Biol. 11: 9-10.

doi: 10.1038/nsmb0104-9

M.D. Adams, M. McVey, and J. Sekelsky (2003)
Drosophila BLM in double-strand break repair by synthesis-dependent strand annealing. Science 299: 265-267.
Winner (2nd place) Joseph Pagano award for best publication by a postdoctoral fellow!

doi: 10.1126/science.1077198

Ö. Yildiz, S. Majumder, B.C. Kramer, and J. Sekelsky (2002)
Drosophila MUS312 protein interacts physically with the nucleotide excision repair endonuclease MEI-9 to generate meiotic crossovers. Molecular Cell 10: 1503-1509.

doi: 10.1016/s1097-2765(02)00782-7

M.D. Adams and J. Sekelsky (2002)
From sequence to phenotype: reverse genetics in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Rev. Genetics 3: 3:189-198.

doi: 10.1038/nrg752

Other Sekelsky Publications

A. Laurencon. A. Purdy, J. Sekelsky J, R. Hawley, and T.T. Su (2003) Phenotypic analysis of separation-of-function alleles of mei-41, Drosophila ATM/ATR. Genetics 164: 589-601.  PDF

doi: ***

A.Z. Özsoy, J. Sekelsky, and S.W. Matson (2001) Biochemical characterization of the small isoform of Drosophila melanogaster RECQ5 helicase. Nucleic Acids Res. 29: 2986-2993.  PDF

J. Sekelsky, M.H. Brodsky, and K.C. Burtis (2000) DNA repair in Drosophila: Insights from the Drosophila genome sequence. J. Cell Biology 150: F31-F36.  PDF

J. Sekelsky, K.J. Hollis, A.I. Eimerl, K.C. Burtis, and R.S. Hawley (2000) Nucleotide excision repair endonuclease genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutation Research 459: 219-228.  PDF

M.H. Brodsky, J. Sekelsky, G. Tsang, R.S. Hawley, and G.M. Rubin (2000) mus304 encodes a novel DNA damage checkpoint protein required during Drosophila development. Genes and Development 14: 666-678.  PDF

K.S. McKim, J.K. Jang, J. Sekelsky, A. Laurencon, and R.S. Hawley (2000) mei-41 is required for precocious anaphase in Drosophila females. Chromosoma 109: 44-49.  PDF

L. Tisa, J. Sekelsky, and J. Adler (2000) Effects of organic antagonists of Ca2+, Na+, and K+ on chemotaxis and motility of Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 182: 4856-4861.

J. Sekelsky, M.H. Brodsky, G.M. Rubin, and R.S. Hawley (1999) Drosophila and human RecQ5 exist in different isoforms generated by alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Res 27: 3762-3769.  PDF

J. Sekelsky, K.S. McKim, L. Messina, R.L. French, W.D. Hurley, T. Arbel, G.M. Chin, B. Deneen, S.J. Force, K.L. Hari, J.K. Jang, L. Madden, H.J. Matthies, D.B. Milliken, S.L. Page, A.D. Ring, S.M. Wayson, and R.S. Hawley (1999) Identification of novel Drosophila meiotic genes recovered in a P element screen. Genetics 152: 529-542.  PDF

J. Sekelsky, K.C. Burtis, and R.S. Hawley (1998) Damage control: The pleiotropy of DNA repair genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 148: 1587-1598.  PDF

K.S. McKim, B.L. Green-Marroquin, J. Sekelsky, G. Chin, C. Steinberg, R. Khodosh, and R.S. Hawley (1998) Meiotic synapsis in the absence of recombination. Science 279: 876-877.  PDF

J. Sekelsky and R.S. Hawley (1995) The bond between sisters. Cell 83: 157-160.  PDF

K.L. Hari, A. Santerre, J. Sekelsky, K.S. McKim, J.B. Boyd, and R.S. Hawley (1995) The mei-41 gene of D. melanogaster is a structural and functional homolog of the human ataxia telangiectasia gene. Cell 82: 815-821.

J. Sekelsky, K.S. McKim, G.M. Chin, and R.S. Hawley (1995) The Drosophila meiotic recombination gene mei-9 encodes a homologue of the yeast excision repair protein Rad1. Genetics 141: 619-627.  PDF

J. Sekelsky, S. Newfeld, L.A. Raftery, E. Chartoff, and W.M. Gelbart (1995) Genetic characterization and cloning of Mothers against dpp, a gene required for decapentaplegic function in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 139: 1347-1358.  PDF

M. Sanicola, J. Sekelsky, S. Elson, and W. Gelbart (1995) Drawing a stripe in Drosophila imaginal disks: negative regulation of decapentaplegic and patched expression by engrailed. Genetics 139: 745-756.

B. Sager, J. Sekelsky, P. Matsumura, and J. Adler (1988) Use of a computer to assay motility in bacteria. Anal Biochem 173: 271-277.